Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful for Scripture

Our scripture in devotions today was Mathew 25:31-46. Does that a ring a bell? 

I did not recognize the scripture until the verses were read. It is the passage about how feeding and clothing the needy are a way to serve God. The scripture also includes the opposite, stating that if we are remiss in those acts of service we are essentially ignoring God and His people. 

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."

The devotion that we read, by Tom Campbell, said sometimes due to our busyness we supplement acts of servitude with financial donations. However, Cambell said that God is calling us to serve, not simply supply a surrogate with the financial means to do it. The actions listed in the scripture are intended to foster relationships. It calls us to open our homes to strangers, visit people in prison, and care for the sick.

Sometimes I focus so much on the part about providing food, clothing, and drinks for the needy that I forget about the  more relational parts of the commission. 

I must admit, that I have never visited anyone in prison. Furthermore, not only do I neglect to visit, but I often forget to pray for those who are incarcerated. 

This scripture has prompted me to set a date to visit someone whom I know is in jail. I'd like to spend a few moments with him to let him know that I care.

As Thanksgiving approaches, one of the things I am thankful for is scripture that highlights the parts of my faith that I still have to work on. 

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